
Separated Documentary Series

S E P A R A T E D || A D O C U M E N T A R Y S E R I E S

In 2018, I began working on a short documentary on the topic of immigration. Over the past three years its lead to filming several stories across the United States. What started out as a short doc has now become an episodic series set for release in late 2021. The documentary follows four stories. A family who endured the largest ICE raid in history in Morristown, Tn. A man who was picked up by ICE when President Trump announced the Islamic Travel Ban in 2018 and was held in a detention center for five months in Atlanta, Ga. A family who underwent separation at the Texas border, and a daca student in California.

In the past four years our country has left all humanity out of the discussions and news reports when it comes to the topic of immigration. For that reason myself and a small group of filmmakers wanted to introduce humanity and factual information back into the conversation. This is not a political documentary. Whether you fall on the left of right on the political scale, this series is for you.

Crew Credits Coming Soon!